Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 184)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 184)
Establishing the Cooperative Bank
Due to the distinctive nature of cooperative credit, it is
Proposed to establish a specialized cooperative bank. The
Proposed bank might start out as part of the Palestinian
Agricultural Credit Corporation (see 4.1 below), but it may be
advisable to give it independence at a later stage. In this case
the Bank would be managed by a board of directors nominated by
the Joint Committee.
Substituting seasonal cash loans by services in kind.
It was indicated earlier (refer to the section on Cboperatives),
that cash loans distributed by regional cooperatives to member
farmers have been improperly used by borrowing members. Furthermore,
Scarcity of working capital was not considered a serious obstacle
for developing West Rank agriculture, in constrast to the scarcity
of modern techniques and services available to peasant farmers
in rainfed areas. It is therefore strongly recommended to
Provide seasonal loans to eligible farmers in those areas in the
form of improved technology, such as the provision of machine
service and expertise needed in the spraying of weed killers,
insecticides and in seedbed preparation.
The suggested project calls for providing interested farmers
with recommended services at subsidized rates through a variety
of intermediaries, such as cooperative societies, machine service
units (see 5.5), voluntary agencies (see 4.4), and the
Agricultural Development Corporation (see 4.5). The financial
ramifications of the project will be evaluated in Table (XIV - I)+
Agricultural finance
Establishing the Palestine Agricultural Credit Corporation (PACC)+«
This is one of the fundamental projects envisaged in this study
for the purpose of developing West Hank agriculture. It is
modelled on Jordan's Agricultural Credit Corporation (ACC), which
has played a key role in developing Jordan's agriculture. The
by-laws of PACC and the nomination of its board members would be
approved by the Joint Committee. Its services will be available
to all eligible borrowers, whether they are individual farmers,
companies, or cooperatives (see 3.2).
The establishment of PACC is conceived as a major breakthrough
in the present arrangement whereby agricultural loans are issued
by the Joint Committee itself, and only to cooperatives or
institutional entities. This procedure is markedly inefficient
and inequitable, since it renders credit accessible only to a
small and unduly privileged stratum of rich and powerful farmers.
By delegating this job to a professional organization like the
PACC it should be possible to reach farmers of a much wider
spectrum and provide them with a more expedient service.
Furthermore, in this way it would be exceedingly difficult for
the Military Administration to obstruct the flow of funds, in
contrast to its presently tight control of aid advanced to
institutional recipients. Due to existing constraints PACC would
be stationed temporarily in Amman.
The starting capital of PACC is estimated at JD 2.0 million,
Which is quite modest in comparison with Jordan's Agricultural
credit Corporation (JD 8 million ) and Jordan's Cooperative
Organization (JD 5 million ). During the subsequent three years
PACC capital would be mised to JD 4.0 millions.
Building institutions for the processing of PACC loans,
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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