Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 185)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 185)
Field processing of PACC loans could be efficiently undertaken
only through a resident staff of technicians available in various
districts. It is proposed to hire a staff of nine qualified
technicians to be stationed in Hebron, Bethlehem, Jericho,
Ramallah Nablus, Tulkarm, Jenin and the Gaza Strip (two
representatives). The said technicians could be conveniently
affiliated to local chambers of commerce, on which the Military
Administration have no direct authority. Each representative
would have one assistant and a secretary/accountant.
Applications for loans should be studied and evaluated by a district
committee of three members consisting of respective PACC
representatives, director of Cooperatives Department and director
of agriculture or, if not possible, a qualified farmer designated
for this purpose by PACC management’. Applications would then
be referred to PACC headquarters in Amman for final approval.
Applications for loans of over JD 5000 should be referred for
further evaluation by the Rural Research Center. Business should be
maintained at a low profile with a neutral approach to politics
and local controversies. In addition to evaluating applications,
PACC representatives could help monitor the implementation of
4.3 Auditing of financed projects,
All individuals or groups receiving loans or grants of over JD
1000 would be required to submit annual or semi-annual auditing
reports prepared by certified auditors. PACC management would
designate a number of existing auditing offices for this purpose

Jordan's ACC demands a thorough evaluation of applications by a
Tegional committee of three members consisting of ACC district
°fficer, the director of agriculture and a well-informed and
respectd farmer.
and pay part of their fees, so that borrowers would have to pay
only half of the required charges.
Expanding resources available to voluntary agencies.
Notwithstanding long term political ramifications, it is proposed
to channel more of the resources raised for the development of
the occupied territories through some of the currently operating
voluntary agencies. This should be done on a project basis and
possibly through third intermediaries sufficiently acceptable to
Israeli authorities. With their relatively large staff and easy
accessibility to farmers, voluntary agencies may act as efficient
functionaries for certain types of projects, particularly those
involving the introduction of new technologies, e.g. drip
irrigation, spraying of weedkillers and insecticides, and
distribution of fruit tree seedlings.
The amounts of extra finance to be channelled to voluntary
agencies is difficult to project, depending on many variables.
A rough estimate of the required capital outlays will be
Presented individually under the specific projects which are
listed in this plan, and which are recommended to be delegated
in part to voluntary agencies. Overhead expenses, however, are
assumed to be undertaken solely (as they are so far) by the
agencies themselves.
Establishing the Agricultural Development Corporation,
In a broad sense, the Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC)
is meant to be a business-like agency, somewhat similar in
structure and purpose to ANERA or CDF. Its headquarters would
be set up in Jerusalem, but with the possibility of opening
several regional branch offices at a later stage. Unlike voluntary
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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