Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 186)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 186)
agencies, the ADC would be business-oriented in order to avoid
Israel's strict control on its funding operations and field
The objectives of the ADC would be broad enough to include all
projects which involve specialized large scale ventures (hatchery,
feedmill, citrus packing plant, olive oil processing ...... etc.)
or direct dealing with individual farmers (spraying services,
supply of seedlings, loans for trellising .... etc.). As such,
the ADC would provide a diversified range of services which are
commonly handled by government machinery, cooperative societies,
and private institutions. It is believed that if the project
was provided by a qualified staff and adequate resources it
would be instrumental in advancing West Bank agriculture.
Capital requirements of the ADC are too fluid to be ascertained
with reasonable precision. Drawing on the experience of
voluntary agencies and comparable institutions in Jordan, it is
Proposed to allocate JD 0.5 million for the ADC working budget
during the first year, to be raised to 0.7 and 1.0 million in
its second and third years, respectively. Besides equity
capital raised locally, the ADC would try to raise most of the
needed funds from foreign sources, whether Arab or otherwise.
much of its funds, however, would be subscribed by PACC.
It is proposed to start out the project with the head office of
the ADC in Jerusalem, which would be staffed by a manager and
two technicians (a horticulturist and a pest control specialist),
in addition to a secretary and accountant/auditor.
rious deterrents
Marketing problems are probably the most
to a more vigorous expansion in commercial patterns of farming,
whether they are rainfed or irrigated. Most such problems
relating to rainfed agriculture were described earlier under
various sections in Chapters 7, & and 9, and were later summed
up in chapter 10,
The primary objectives of a national marketing policy could be
summarized as follows:
1. Improving terms of trade with Israel - although that is out
of reach within the present political setting.
2. Easing restrictions on the flow of goods into Jordan.
3. Expanding export potential in the Gulf states.
4. Increasing competitiveness in local wholesale markets in
order to reduce monopolies and raise the farmers! share of
the consumer's spending.
5. Improving awdliary marketing services.
The following projects and measures are intended to meet some
of these objectives. Other more specific recommendations will
be discussed under respective sections in later chapters.
Establishing the Agricultural Marketing Bureau
Despite the critical significance of marketing problems and
services, there is not yet any specialized agency or organization
on the Palestinian side which is entrusted with the responsibility
©f attending to the marketing of agricultural produce in the
Occupied territories. Marketing services have been reduced to
merely regulatory functions which in turn have besthinly spread
Among several entities, mainly the Ministry of Agriculture and
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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