Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 190)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 190)
Development of cisterns in reclamation areas.
This project aims at assisting farmers to reconstruct deserted
cisterns or dig new ones in areas where rainfed farming is to be
developed in the context of subsequent projects. The reconstructed
cisterns would be expected to have a tremendous impact on the
pace of
development, whether by supplying water needed for
livestock, or for spraying purposes (mentioned frequently in
subsequent projects), or for supplemental irrigation of fruit
trees (see 8-4 below). This project would also help conserve
more of the wasted runoff water and eventually reduce the dangers
of top soil erosion.
It is estimated that the reconstruction of a deserted cistern
would cost around JD 200 and the construction of a new one about
JD 500,
Interested farmers would cover half of the needed costs
and receive the rest as a grant. [ue to the limited nature of
this project it is proposed to have it already engaged in a
similar project in the east Bethlehem area. The ADC could play
an important supervisory and funding role.
Developing agricultural roads,
Development of agricultural roads to a level where they become
passable to tractors and vehicles would be another important
step towards facilitating rapid growth in rainfed agriculture.
Purthermore, this would help disseminate construction of houses
in areas where farming was reactivated. The project should be
restricted to cases where no land disputes are likely to emerge
farmers bordering anticipated roads, lest this be
utilized by the occupation authorities in obstruting construction
The opening of roads would be undertaken by land
reclamation units mentioned earlier (5.1).
The need for agricultural roads is extensive and should be
phased in over many years, depending on the availability of funds
and the attitudes of the Military Administration. Tentatively,
it is felt neccessary and reasonably possible to re-develop
around 100 kilometers of roads annually during the next three
years at an approximate cost of JD 2400/km. Benefitting farmers
would cover half of the cost and the rest would be provided as
a grant, whether from voluntary agencies or PACC (see 4.1).
Field processing of applications would be entrusted to
representatives of PACC in respective districts.
Distribution of tree seedlings.
Land reclaimed and developed in the context of previous projects
would be utilized essentially for growing fruit trees, mainly
olives and grapes. A part of the proposed package would be to
Promote distribution of seedlings at a scale wider than currently
done by voluntary agencies. This project will be elaborated
further under the section on fruit trees.
Dissemination of mechanized services fit for hilly slopes.
The objective of this project is to make available at reasonable
charges a carefully selected range of mechanized services through
specialized custom units. The services would include ploughing,
seedbed preparation, pruning, and spraying (insecticides, weed
etc.). The project obviously bears on
killers, hormones .
land conservation as well as on other important prerequisites of
development. It would help improve productivity, reduce
©perational costs and raise net family income from rainfed farming
to a level sufficiently viable to justify recruiting hired labour
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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