Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 191)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 191)
in this type of farming.
Al number of such machine service units are needed, but it
units and establish 15
would be prudent to start out with 10
equent two years. Each unit would
more annually during the subs
serve two to three villages. It is strongly recommended that
the ownership of machinery go to private entrepreneur(s) and
not to large cooperative groups. Owner-opera tors would be
recruited mostly from eligible graduates after receiving
adequate training in farm machinery. Prospective owners would
be provided with the needed capital by the PACC at concessional
terms, on condition that they render their services at reduced
rates agreed upon with PACC. A recent study by ANERA has
revealed that the benefit/cost ratio for such a project is 1.375",
which is still attractive enough even though the wagesof owner—
operators are accounted for at market rates.
The collection of machinery in each service unit would consist
of the items listed below:
@st (JD)
Medium size wheel tractor 7,000
Small size orchard tractor 4,000
Stationary motor ‘Sprayer (2) S30
‘napsack motor sprayer (5) 1,000
A harvester and stationary thresher 2,500
Giltivators, ploughs, trolley 2,000
Total 17,000
This study, as mentioned earlier, will not deal with irrigated
pattems of agriculture. The researcher believes, however, that
much more could be done towards exploiting a larger proportion
of rain water through terracing, construction of cisterns,
and growing of fruit trees. Measures to be taken in this
regard have been discussed in relevant sections in this chapter-
Project Book, 1961. p. 124,
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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