Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 193)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 193)
Given the present setting whereby they involve land and labour
which have very little opportunity costs. And in the event that
net returns from olives decline sharply or turn into a loss, olive
Orchards could be temporarily abandoned and considered as forests,
and possibly put under natural grazing. Should there be a change
in the market structure, deserted orchards could be conveniently
rejuvenated and put again under commercial production. *:
Comparing olives with grapes and almonds, which are the closest
Substitutes, olives are evidently less remunerative than both
(see Table XII-1). But olive culture entails several other
non-pecuniary advantages which still make of it the leading
tree in West Bank agriculture, despite modest immediate returns. =
Table (XII - 1)
Comparative profitability of olives, grapes and almonds
Net returns (JD/don)*
Good year Bad year i
Olives 18.2 -3.3 °
Grapes (creeping)*# 48.7 -
Almonds 28.3 4.2
* On the basis of excluding the value of unpaid labour from cost
outlay. "
** Returns for an average year.
Source; Data in Chapter VII.
Profitability of olives could be substantially improved if
Production costs are further reduced and if productivity is raised
to the level permitted by existing constraints. The following is 6.
4 list of guidelines which are suggested in the light of the
expansionary and cost-oriented policies outlined above:
1. wider distribution of subsidized seedlings produced by certified
nurseries. This involves patching of existing orchards, but
more so the establishment of many new orchards. A narrower
spacing is strongly recommended for a number of economic
reasons, such as reducing water evaporation in the summer,
and maintaining trees to a size which is low enough to
facilitate picking.
More vigorous development of land in classes III and IV with
the objective of putting more land under olives. This should
involve only basic development measures, in addition to the
opening of farm roads which are fit for tractors, and possibly
Low-key modernization of production practices, particularly
chemical weed control, small tractor ploughing, limited fertilizer
use, and the application of picking hormones. The aim here
is to raise productivity and reduce production costs within
the constraints imposed by prevailing socio-economic parameters.
Selective reclamation of cisterns in expansionary areas. These
would provide water which is critically needed for such
Purposes as irrigation of new seedlings and spraying of weed
killers and picking hormones.
There is an urgent need for a number of improvements in the
Processing and marketing of olive oil. The needed measures
should aim at improving such services as refining and grading
of oil, more attractive bottling, certification of quality,
and promotion of export trade.
Interplanting olive orchards with almonds is ¢rongly discouraged.
Alternatively, young olive orchards can be interplanted with
creeping grape vines, which have a shallower root system and
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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