Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 194)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 194)
olives for air space-
do not compete with
B. Grapes
Grape production is unique in west
lized and intensive type
Bank horticulture as being the
i of farming.
closest to a highly commercia
entially highly remunera’
roblems of marketing.
tive, but at the
Consequently, it is pot
same time it is noticeably vulnerable to P)
At such, though a fundamental objective of a policy for grapes
should be oriented towards further horizontal expansion, this
should be done on such a selective scale that it does not result
in depressing prices. The following policies are suggested:
1. Expanding of trellised vineyards in the Hebron-Bethlehem grape
2. Gradual but massive replacement of vineyards from a wider
assortment of varieties (mostly late-maturing) which are
grafted on Phylloxera-resistent root stocks.
3. Accelerating modernized production practices in vineyards under
intensive production in southern districts.
4. Expanding vineyards of late varieties in the upper hills of
Ramallah and Nablus districts, and of early varieties in the
Jordan Valley. In coastal districts, grape production could be
very profitable if under irrigation. However, this presupposes
an advanced level of cultural practices.
Introduction of grape processing and cold storage facilities.
6 Lobbying more forcefully for larger and more secure markets.
C. Almonds
the two critical issues of land use and the raising of income
received by poorer segments of the population. Therefore, the
major components of an almond policy are:
1. Unconditional dissemination of almond plantations in all
land in classes Iv and V. This could be accomplished easily
through campaigns of sowing bitter almond seeds. Voluntary
work camps of students could play an important role in this
2. Emerging seedlings can be left ungrafted when land quality is
too low or when other constraints do not permit a reasonable
level of husbandry. Otherwise, young seedlings should be
grafted with sweet varieties.
3. Provision of almond orchards with more intensive care in the
form of fertilizers, weed killers, and insect control. The aim
is to raise productivity to the extent permitted within the
Present socio-economic constraints.
4. Imposition by Jordan of effective restrictions on almond
imports from other countries. This is strongly justified on
economic as well as political grounds.
5. Restructuring of the almond trade in a way which permits a
Stronger bargaining power for growers and the loosening of
Present cartels.
D. Plums
This tree has considerable potential, since it suits a wide
Xange of land and climate and is relatively less vulnerable to
Pest damage than almonds, figs and apricots.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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