Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 196)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 196)
ed jects
8.0 Fruit trees - olives.
Wider distribution of seedlings.
Olive seedlings are currently distributed at the scale of
200,000 seedlings per season, This plan calls for doubling
the number of seedlings grown annually during the next
three years, Most of distributed seedlings would go into
new orchards (mainly in Hebron district) but many of them
would be used in patching existing orchards in order to raise
their productivity and render investment in improved cultural
practices more feasible.
Due to the experience they have acquired in recent years, it
is proposed to entrust the proposed programme to the MCC and
COF.* The cost of seedlings would continue to be subsidized
at the rate of 33 percent. Extra funds needed for this
purpose would be allocated by PACC and channelled through
third parties.
Raising the production capacity of producing nurseries.
Olive seedlings are produced currently in three nurseries,
one in Nablus (Abdul-Hadi) and two small nurseries in Jenin
district. The former has a production capacity of 450,000
and the other two produce around 150,000 seedlings. Much
of the produce of Abdul-adi's nursery is sold in Jordan
where it comands higher prices. A fourth nursery has been
recently constructed in Hebron district as a side-project
* MOC: Mennonite Central Committee
(OF: Community Development Foundation.
of Hebron's Agricultural Marketing Cooperative. Anticipated
capacity is 100,000 seedlings.
It is proposed to help the Hebron nursery expand its capacity
to 200,000 seedlings per year, which may cover the entire
needs for that district. Likewise, it is suggested to
assist the two nurseries in Jenin raise their capacity
to 250,000 seedlings. The fourth nursery (Abdul-Hadi's in
Nablus) is viable enough - both financially and technically -
to cover its own needs for further expansion. By helping
smaller nurseries expand their capacity it would be possible
to reduce monopolistic advantages prevailing currently in
the olive seedling market.
Rejuvenation of aged olive orchards.
The most important single cultural operation needed by
old olive trees is rejuvenation pruning. This practice is
very helpful in reinvigorating old trees and raising their
productivity, in addition to reducing the cost of picking
by trimming tree size to a manageable height. Although
farmers are well aware of these advantages, they believe
that the cost of pruning (which is usually done by power
chain saws) is excessively high. Consequently, rejuvenation
could become much more popular if costs were subsidized.
The suggested programme calls for the dissemination of chain
saws through a wider range of potential operators, such as
cooperative societies, service units (see 5.5) and eligible
individuals. Owners would be provided with the needed
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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