Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 197)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 197)
equipment at about half of its market price. Likewise,
the cost of sawing (fuel and labour) would also be
subsidized at a rate of around 50 percent. The project
would be administered by the CDF, MOC and/or ADC (see 4.5).
Interested farmers could apply for this service through
local extension agents or through direct contact with the
agencies mentioned above through an arrangement similar to
that of seedling distribution.
country, and as a result of active efforts to develop
more cisterns, the suggested project might eventually help
reach a large number of rainfed olives. Its positive
impact includes a pronounced multiplier effect on such
cultural services as fertilizer application, pest control,
and pruning,
In the long run, this might even turn out to be a break—
through in West Bank olive culture.
Supplemental irrigation of olive trees. 8.5 Application of chemical fertilizers.
West Bank olives are totally dependent on rainfall for West Bank olive growers add little or no chemical
their water needs, in contrast to the more famous olive fertilizer. This is quite contrary to the strong
producing countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece, California recommendations made by olive experts at the Volcani
and some parts of Israel. While olives can produce widely Institute who recommend liberal use of nitrogenous and
varying yields when they are totally dependent on rain water, potinatin Textiiteers.«
their yield could be substantially raised and stabilized
ty: providing then: willl qmail, quantitien:o¥ water-two-or Based on observations gathered from local technicians and
hia this 2. gies” (ALY, Ali, (aa. Sapeaniad)., “THK, leading farmers, the researcher believes that a mild use of
ieoevie oie eb Maeeidiad te pb alive cacinde wades ici gidisn fertilizers is advisable and may lead to highly favourable
iin-the:usvad conse) ation tine is:clearay impoesiivie: results. This could be achieved through vigorous educational
efforts of extension agents and other technicians employed
The suggested project calls for providing those olive trees by-voluntaxy ‘apenciies;:ADC, ‘and cooperative societies: ihe
close to cisterns with about 60-100 litres of water three process could gather effective momentum by conducting a
times during the summer months. As such it would be possible susibierof: Genonsixations in-selected areass: itis not
to serve 20-50 trees from a single cistern. Water would be Suggested, however, to subsidize the cost of fertilizer for
lifted by a portable pump, used otherwise for spraying fear of causing problems in the price of fertilizers used
Purposes (see 8.6), and carried down by gravity to surrounding et
With the large number of cisterns scattered all over the
* This information was derived through personal contacts
with the staff of the Olive and Grape Institute at
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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