Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 198)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 198)
in other types of farming.
The suggested demonstrations could be adopted by the
Agricultural pavelopment Corporation with the assistance
of district extension offices,
Reducing tillage costa,
Ploughing accounts for one to two thirds of total production
costs. Therefore this should be a primary target in the
efforts to reduce production costs,
The suggested project comprises three main measures:
a. Reducing the number of ploughings to one (instead of
two or three), which would take place in early winter.
b, Introduction of small orchard tractors which are fit
for use in olive orchards.
c. A much wider use of weed killers.
The first measure could be accomplished through extension
education, and many farmers have already reduced the number
©f ploughings to one or two. The second measure would be
rendered possible through the machine service units
mentioned earlier (see 5.5) or by providing eligible farmers
with loans to buy the prescribed types of tractors. The
loans should be advanced, at concessional interest, by PACC
through its regional offices.
Chemical control of weeds has since long passed the
experimental stage in some areas.
In view of extensive
to spray weeds in late march through early April with @
non-selective weed killer.* By spraying them at this time
it {6 possible to kill weeds before they grow too high or
reach the seeding stage, and at the same time the operation
takes smaller quantities of spray. Another important
advantage for this practice is that dry weeds will serve
48 4 cover milch for soil during the hot and dry sunmer
months, which is effective in conserving soil moisture.
Depending on experience accumated after the project is
launched, the researcher does not dismiss the possibility
of terminating the ploughing in of olive orchards and
resorting to herbicides for the purpose of controlling
weeds. In that case the first ploughing would be replaced
by spraying land with a pre-emergence weed killer in late
November (most common are simazine or Diurex), and a post-
emergence weed killer in March. While this may look like
a major transformation in West Bankagriculture, it has become
an ordinary practice in many parts of the United States and
The suggested project calls for making the spraying service
available at a subsidized rate through machine service
units (see 5.5), cooperative societies and the Agricultural
Development Corporation. Capital needs for purchasing of
equipment are included under projects relative to above-
mentioned institutions, but the amount of working capital
is estimated below. Estimates are based on the assumption
* The one most commonly used and with noted success is
Ducalton of ICI.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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