Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 199)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 199)
that the area to be sprayed would be 50,100, 150 thousand
donums respectively during the three years of the plan.
Subsidy appropriations would be derived from the PACC or
voluntary agencies.
Localized treatment of diseases.
Despite widespread infection with several insects and
diseases, it is not realistic at the present to envisage
@ comprehensive control scheme. It is recommended to launch
@ programme of localized treatment in orchards which suffer
severe infections of Peacock eye spot and Lichens, both of
which are effectively controlled at a reasonable cost by
using copper sprays. The process would be totally sponsored
at the demonstration level, but only partially subsidized
om 4 commercial scale, and would be undertaken by the same
institutions as mentioned earlier in similar projects.
Gradual introduction of picking hormones.
The picking of olives by using scecial hormone sprays has
mot yet teen a complete success. The cost of picking is
too high, ranging from one half to two thirds of smarual
picking, wich means that their use has to be evolaated
infbvidually in each orctart, Nevertheless, it is still
possibile that pidciag by Rormomes mey rescit in mistantial
series in gut seasons, tte incidence of which is sbost
mn wuery trem yours.
The proposed project <2lls for the gradual Cissenization
O vcking tormmes in got years by providing tm spraying
Service #1 & wibsiGized cost, The service woild be mete
sum lable Cerongh the come inlrestructures mentioned earlier
in &6 above. A number of demonstrations would have to be
organized in strategic locations. The cost of spraying
would also be subsidized by the PACC or voluntary agencies.
Selective modernization of olive presses.
All olive presses in operation are of mechanical types,
but they vary considerably in their labour requirements
and oil extraction rates. Although a lot should be done
to modernize old presses, the trend towards the ad hoc
establishment of very modern automatic presses is highly
questionable. Such presses require an exorbitant capital
outlay (around JD 100,000 each) which is hardly justified
on economic grounds. In good years, the olive pressing
season extends for about two months, but in most years for
@ shorter period.
The suggested scheme regarding olive presses comprises the
following measures:
a. No credit facilities to be advanced for the construction
of modern presses except after a positive feasibility
study is conducted by the gural Mesearch Centre or the
Agricaltaral Development Corporation, anc im that case
capital needs to be met sainly through equity
sabscriptions from omers, supplemented by loans from
&. Gmers of existing presses urget to modernize parts of
their nachines (examples: adding washing wits and spreaders
of crusted olives, raising engine compressias, ant
improving efficiency of centrifuge] eqrigment). 1 is
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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