Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 201)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 201)
root stocks, and produce sufficient volume of seedlings to
cater for the relatively large needs of newly established
vineyards. furthermore, by using rooted seedlings instead
of fresh cuttings, farmers would be able to gain one year
on the interval needed for maturity of new vines.
It is proposed to entrust production of rooted cuttings to
the Hebron Cooperative's olive nursery and to Abu-Ghazeleh's
nursery in Nablus district. Distribution of grape seedlings
would be subsidized and handled by voluntary agencies in
ways similar to current arrangements for olives.
Expansion of trellised vineyards.
The trellising of vineyards is a major breakthrouch towards
raising productivity and increasing profit margins, but
an important deterrent in this regard is the high capital
Trellising could be accelerated by offering chesp loans to
eligible producers, i.e. those who are qualified to provide
the high level of intensive husbandry practices needed by
‘the new technique. Consequently, it is proposed to give
special priority to experienced farmers in Hebron, Rethlehem
and Ramallah. Intensive efforts should also go into the
introduction of trellised vineyards in the Jordan valley
and coastal areas, where they could be crown under
Loan funds for trellising would be provided by the PACC
office in Amen upon recommendation from resident
representatives. Voluntary agencies and local moaperative
societies could play an important role in channelling aid
and supervising isplementation of construction work.
Extra care should go into the selection of prover vines
in trellised orchards. Late maturity is an important
characteristic to consider, in addition to resistence of
rootstock to Phylloxera attacks.
More efficient pest control.
Probleas of grape pests were discussed earlier. Improvements
in this regard ain at the following:
a. Introducing more efficient equipment, especially in
southern districts.
b. Disseminating more effective control measures in
northern districts where pest hazards are notably high.
A substantial improvement in pest control techniques could
be achieved by stepping up extension efforts and credit
facilities aimed at assisting individual farmers to do the
spraying themselves by using better equipment and chemicals.
But a sharp improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency
of pest control (of grapes and other crops as well) is
pecsminfranitng the needed service available at reasonable
fees through local custom serwide umits. Sprayino services
would be provided by nearby mechanical service units (see
Project no 6.5) or local cooperative societies.
The capital needs for establishing custom spraying units
were Getailed earlier under relevant projects. Our to the
relatively high profitability of grape prodactilm, the cost
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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