Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 203)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 203)
buy almond seeds enough to plant two donuims,
This project could be easily sponsored by voluntary agencies
and university student bodies, One possible formila ix to
have it administered by the Association of Agricultural
Engineers (AAR) and the Central Committee for Voluntary Work,
Introduction of improved varieties
Despite substantial advances, there is only a small number
of almond varieties in common use. It has been conclusively
demonstrated that better varieties could be successfully
introduced by gratfing them on bitter seedlings. The
Department of Agriculture started a successful campaign
for that purpose early in the seventies, but this was later
terminated as a result of budget cuts.
Again the financial obligations for this project are modest.
It is proposed to delegate its administration and finance
to the Association of Agricultural Engineers, who would have
to carry out field contacts through extension agents in
district offices of agriculture. The fact that most extension
agents are menbers of the AE is a prerequisite for their
active collaboration, at least with regard to projects
which are not vetoed by the Military Administration,
More effective control of almond pests.
Almond wasp and pear slug constitute a serious threat to
West Bank almond culture. The former is best controlled by
collecting and destroying dead mummies. The Department of
Agriculture stopped an earlier program which encouraged
school children and farmers to collect mummies by offering
them a nominal remmneration on collected mummies. It is
strongly recommended to reactivate that program and solicit
for that purpose the collaboration of Voluntary Work
Commi ttees.
The pear slug, on the other hand, can be effectively and
relatively cheaply controlled using systemic insecticides
sprayed by powerful equipment. This operation could be
easily handled by the Mechanical service Units mentioned
earlier (project 6.5). The cost of spraying could be
subsidized at about 50 percent. Both control programmes
would be coordinated by the Associationof Agricultural
Negotiating better terms of trade with Jordan.
Expansion of production should be accompanied by a forceful
lobby for better terms of almond trade with Jordan and other
Arab importing countries. This should include increased
restrictions on imports from abroad and easing of current
restrictions on the flow of West Rank almonds to Jordan.
The construction of a second shelling mill in Jenin or
Nablus district (there is one in Anabta, Tulkarm district)
would help cut down on transportation expenses.
Other trees.
There is much that could be done to stop the decline in
other types of rainfed tree culture. The types of projects
needed, as could be inferred from the list below, all fall
within the categories or projects described earlier, such
as propagation of seedlings, introduction of improved
varieties, more effective pest control, wider use of weed
killers in replacement of ploughing and more active interest
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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