Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 205)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 205)
number of measures to deal with occasional market declines.
10.1 Establishing a chick hatchery.
5 livestock and poultry
lems impeding growth in the ;
Although probls Due to chronic problems of chick shortages and occasional
development of these sectors may
easy to ascertain, i i ‘
sectors are easy inferior quality, the cornerstone for stabilizing broiler
cult in comparison with other types of
ticularly diffi 5 z
Prova) particular ty. farming is the establishment of a local hatchery to specialize
is faced with
sheep raising, for instance,
‘The producers of commercial —
rainfed farming. i i
farming. in producing broiler chicks, with a starting monthly capacity
increasing restrictions on grazing land.
rem of 120,000 chicks (around 25 percent of current placements).
Scale cow herds find it almost impossible to compete with TNUVA's
products. Poultry farms suffer restrictions in the supply of
4 afterwards.
The production capacity would be raised substantially shortly
replacement chicks and have to compete with subsidized Israeli
Produce. For many practical reasons, it is proposed to open share-
holding in the proposed hatchery to poultry farmers, dealers
Thus the implementation of a national developmental policy for
of poultry supplies, cooperative societies, and the Agricultural
livestock is more difficult than that of most other types of
Development Corporation.
agriculture, because the ensuing constraints are less manageable.
But conforming with the implications of national viability outlined During the early stages of the project, hatching eggs would
earlier (see Chapter x), there is still ample room for improvement be purchased from Israeli breeding farms. In the meantime,
Should adequate financial support be provided. This chapter a few good farms on the West Bank would be persuaded to convert
to raising breeding flocks by supplying them with sufficient
discusses recommended projects and courses of action.
leo num credit and contracting them for their produce of hatchable
alery eggs at negotiated prices. In other words, the hatchery would
Poultry farming ranks high on the list of priorities because it be urged not to rely solely on its own egg production capacity.
is an area where West Bankers have a limited comparative advantage, By so doing it would spread the risk more thinly and cut down
either in the form of expertise or utilization of available low- on its capital requirements. This kind of arrangement has
opportunity family labour. Furthermore, rapid expansion of poultry proved com in most countries in the Middle East with
meat supply is more feasible than beef or mutton, at least in the advanced poultry industries, such as Jordan and Lebanon.
te ‘
Oreseeable future. But expanding poultry farming is far more
Evidently, the proposed hatchery will face competition
nding on capital than most other types of agriculture. Further~
with Israeli chick suppliers. It is therefore unlikely that
them without
— This means, therefore, it will be able to compete with receiving a
‘t expansion in production should be carefull.
Y paralleled by a
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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