Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 208)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 208)
| 403
over flocks to the end of a long and dry
role in carrying
ter can prove more serious
Scarcity of drinking wa’
¢ in forcing owners to dispose of a
than poor pasture!
large part of their lamb flock 1
The best safeguard for lack of drinking
cisterns and the
ong before reaching a
commercial age.
water is the reconstruction of deserted
digging of new ones in grazing areas, in a way similar to
the current CDF project in Bethlehem district.
This project is part of a more comprehensive scheme of cistern
reconstruction in rainfed areas (see project no 6.2).
Consequently, no further financial obligations would be
Promoting comercial fattening of lambs .
Sheep raising could be substantially expanded by reducing
early slaughtering of young lambs. Instead, it is proposed
to provide sheep raisers and other interested entrepreneurs
with the requisites needed for fattening lambs to an average
Of 40-50 kg. Such projects achieved a remarkable success
in the early seventies when they were fostered by the
Department of Agriculture, which then Provided farmers with
Production credit and technical assistance, The proposed
Project is essentially 2 reactivation of its earlier version.
broilers or fattening calves. It is reasonable to assume,
therefore, that a fattening project of a reasonable size
(e9- 100 lambs plus three successive flocks of broilers of
3000 each) would be viable enough to support a full-time
college-level graduate. As such, this project should be
viewed as a practical option for absorbing a limited number
of potential emigrant graduates.
Loans for construction purposes would be provided by the PACC
upon recomendations by resident representatives, whereas
Operational loans would be advanced if needed, by the
Agricultural Development Corporation.
Prolonging the lambing season by hormone injections.
It has been demonstrated successfully that it is possible
to manipulate the onset of the (fertility) heat period and
xaise the frequency of twin births in ewes by using injections
of certain reproduction hormones. By so doing it is possible
to spread the lambing season throughout the entire year
instead of restricting it to only a few months and at the
Same time produce a larger mumber of lambs. The economic
returns from this immovation are potentially very great, but
its widespread dissemination in the west Bark is impeded
by inadequate extension and veterinary services.
It is proposed to adopt a program aimed at introducing the
new technology on a wide scale. This would require iaunchi
@ vigorous extension program involving all concerned grows
‘Such as the veterinary Department, extension staff, vol
agencies and cooperative societies. The cost outlay for
‘the needed campaign would be cowered by the Agricultural
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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