Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 209)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 209)
Development Corporation oF voluntary agenc:
Lambing regulation treatment should be made widely available ;
through local extension agents, some of whom have already
i to have more
been trained in Israel. It is recommended
be selected
people trained for this purpose, who are to
from among the staff of cooperative societies.
work would be undertaken for demonstration purposes without
Part of the
charge, but most of it against a subsidized service fee (the
current fee is JD 1.8 per head).
11.6 Promoting " Assaf" sheep raising in in-door patterns of
Although Assaf sheep have a considerably higher production
potential than Awasi, their tolerance to the rugged patterns
of rough grazing is much lower.
The profitability of raising Assaf sheep in-doors has been
conclusively demonstrated, both in Israelad in the West Bank
itself, yet such projects have not taken off on the West Bank
due to inadequate credit and extension services. It could
be effectively disseminated, however, by providing eligible
farmers with loans for construction purposes and buying
replacement ewes. Construction loans would be procured from
the PAOC, and those for operational purposes from the
Agricultural Development Corporation, Owners should contribute
@ minimum of one third of total capital outlays.
subsidized Israeli milk Products, against which West Bank produce
has no compensating quality advantage. when it is possible to
exercise sovereignty on the West Bank's economy it will then be
necessary to reconsider the situation of commercial dairying in
the light of nore favourable realities. In the meantime, however,
Some measures could be taken to assist peasant cow raising, as
will be described in the two following projects.
Beef projects pose a different situation. Due to high prices of
red meat and consumers’ reticence to buy meat slaughtered in
Israel, locally produced beef commands a distinctive quality
advantage. Trials on dry lot fattening of calves (Jenin district)
@re encouraging, but more testing is needed.
12.1 More efficient insemination services.
In its effort to reduce its budget, the Department of
Agriculture has terminated its free artificial insemination
Service. This has rendered artificial insemination less
reliable and considerably more expensive.
It is proposed to entrust the AI service to regional cooperatives
who would charge fees on a non-profit basis. Each unit
would be equipped with needed facilities and would be
operated by a trained technician. Five such units are
needed. Insemination technicians would perform this function
as a partial assignment, since they would be originally hired
with a broader mandate as livestock extension agents.
Capital requirements for AI units would be provided by
Sponsoring cooperatives themselves.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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