Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 212)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 212)
Fi licies on all
P estrictive Po
includes *
1 and econoaic development,
Bank resources.
9 on agricultural
i ions bearins ‘
atten searchy cooperatives y
such as extension, educationy
it has further stretched its control to
and trade relations.
of aid funds.
cover voluntary agencies and Arab sour
ies were met
Annexationary policies within the occupied territorie:
ith littl than verbal opposition until the late seventies,
with little more
But from 1978 the situation changed following the es:
Joint Connittee and the increasing
of the Palestinian-Jordanian
gut all those concerned
ry and UN agencies.
involvement of voluntai
confronted with the unusual
with the future of West Bank Arabs were
which are openly
item of having to evade Israel's polici
hostile to any change which may jeoperdize its own interests.
Furthermore, these agencies have suffered marked shortages of the
data and information necessary in ascertaining the development
needs of the occupied territories.
The critical place of rainfed farming
West Bank agriculture is characterized by pronounced dominance of
rainfed patterns of farming. The area under irrigation amounts
to no more than 5 percent of all cultivated land, and as this is
due mainly to such rigid factors as rough topography and tight
Israeli control of water resources, there seems little prospect
for a substantial increase in the foreseeable future. Consequently,
rainfed farming will remain for a long time the backbone of the
West Bank's agriculture and offers the largest potential for
Growth. Besides, this sector is the one most closely linked with
the fundamental elenents of resource conflict, namely, land and
This is reflected clearly in the widening
gap between purchase price of Production inputs and sale pri.
le price
of rainfed produce. Consequently, Profitability is noticeably
low when compared with other investaent option Feesapecseae
In fact, if farmers in dryland areas were to evaluate their
enterprises on purely economic criteria, they would be much
better off selling their land and leaving for Jordan and the Gulf
states, where labour and capital are mich more remunerative.
Fortunately, this has not been the case, partly due to an intrinsic
attachment to land, and partly due to the notably efficient
Mobilization of labour and capital inputs which have low
alternative investment possibilities.
Development of rainfed agriculture
The basic objective of this study has been to show how to assist
farmers in dry areas raise their profit margins and expand their
Production base. Chapter X laid down the objectives of a development
strategy which places emphasis on extensive land and labour use
Yather on capital and labour intensive projects. In this connection,
" " viability as
the researcher has proposed the concept of "national" vi Ly
an inportant supplenent to argusents of economic
i ir profitability
Rainted patterns of farning vary widely inithetr'
returns are not always comensurate
Situation, and their economic
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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