Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 213)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 213)
preted in terms of
t is inte:
with their national viability, as +
the continuing political and resource conflicts This means that
if viewed from the Palestinian side it becomes @ national obligation
to help raise the profitability of certain types SE SRERINO EE
Level which is sufficiently high to attract or retain eligible
Producers. Consequently, subsidizing rainfed agriculture can be
seen as a najor principle in a Palestinian agricultural policy.
within this context, Chapter XI proposed several important institutional
adjustments which would help accelerate agricultural development.
This involves fundanental changes in institutions dealing with
planning, research extension, education, finance, marketing and
Chapters XII and XIII were devoted respectively to the development
of rainfed trees and crops, and poultry and livestock providing
specific options for policy makers and potential donors.
Monetary cost estimates
Because this research was conducted over a limited period of time
within an academic context, and because monetary estimates would
lose some of their real value by the time this study was completed,
it was decided not to engage in detailed monetary assessments of
cost estimates of proposed projects. Admittedly, this was a
difficult decision to mke, because it would be very useful for
implenentation purposes to include such estinates.
However, the researcher has conducted a provisional assessment
of costs which would help give a general idea on the capital
requirements of the various proposed projects (see Table xIV-1),
and as most listed projects will have to continue over a tine
many cases total capital outlays i
needed, ise, sums to be ‘
" contributed
y farmers themselves. Furthermore, no ea
* mates have been
ree insdbeusd nade
or institutional projects which are too diff
fuse to quantify at
this stage, (95 1.2, 5.1, and 5.5)
Defrayment of capital needs
According to the estinates i
in Table (XIV-1), the
+ the capital needs
te A ‘
‘or the implementing of proposed Projects amount roughly to JD 4.9
millions in the first year, and then JD 6.4 mill. and JD 8.7 mill.
respectively, for the second and third years (approximately £8 m,
£10.2 m, £13.9 m respectively).
No effort has been made to isolate the basic coaponents of the
needed outlays in terms of source (equity vs. loans) or credit
Tating (loans vs. subsidies). Clearly, there are marked variations
in this regard among projects. Besides, these issues will have to
be decided at the senior managenent level within credit and donor
Agencies themselves. During the researcher's inquiries with i
fficials in the Joint Comittee and voluntary agencies the 2
researcher felt that they were strongly comitted to a policy of
Raking grants to those projects which possessed inadequate
Profitability, if they yielded adequate political or social returns, ;
irenents can be roughly divided
: third advanced
into one third of equity, one third loans, and one 3]
In general, projected capital
8 grants.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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