Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 217)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 217)
Pragect Now Tithe af project Time apan (yeaa)
4 ub Ub
2.0 eld or
121 Wider custom machine servides - - -
2.2 Provieion of certified seeds at subsidised
prices 4 7 9
13,0 Vegetable crops
1a.1 Expanding export potential (cost will be
{noluded under 5.1, when a study is conducted)= = -
14.0 Poultry
14.1 Rstablishing a chick hatchery lo C= 180
14.2 Provision of subsidized credit ficilities 140 210 = 300
14.3 Improving veterinary services 20 12 15
15,0 Sl and ts
15.1 Improving of natural grazing pastures 15 30 5O
15.2 Promoting forage production on private land 2 5 10
15.3 Reconstructing cisterns in grazing areas
(cost is included in 6.2) - - -
15.4 Promoting commercial fattening of lambs 100 150 250
15,5 Prolonging the lambing season by hormone
- cost of demonstrations 2 3 3
- subsidy on commercial scale treatment 5 10 20
15.6 Promoting "Assaf" sheep raising in in-door
patterns of management 65 100 200
16.0 Cows
16.1 More efficient insemination services 8 10 12
16,2 Providing loans for upgrading of replacement
stock 60 90 150
Total 4,889 6,429 8,752
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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