Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 220)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 220)
= 14 Other expenses
Case ef ploughing
Cost ef meals provided te ploughmen Description Ciifasiied seneai':cosi
Cast ef tillage oo
9.1 Total cost of ploughing and till ge
Number of units cf owner-ploughing(per year} —————“~
If you dom’t use cractors, why?
10 Pruning
Cost of “anual” pruning (by labour)
M{portaized cost of rejuvenation pruning
15 Total Production Costs
Interest on investment in Land
Amortized development cost of orchard
Ploughing and tillage
Fertilization and manuring
30.1 Total cost of pruning
Ll Fertilization and wanuring
i i cost
Type Quantity Price Total _cos rectivivette
Other expenses
Total XXNXEX XXXKXX Total annual costs
16 Returns
Pest control .
7 . A. Non-olives
Kind of pest Chemical used Rate Cost per year
, Forms of produce Average for a Average for a bad year Family consum
—_—_ good year tion %
Yield price value Yield Price Value
Total —_
Cost of labour —
Total cose
é Total XXX XXK
Tf not annual, calculate total costs and amortize them on an annual basis. ~
B. Olives
Average for a
13. Pickin,
3 Bienes bad year good year
Number of hired man-days
Number of hired woman-days
Cost of meals —_...__
Cost of hauling the crop
. mac yee
Estimated gross output
Quantity used in picking Sia
Quantity which goes to
press-house —
Extraction percentage seninemneenns

Cost of bags, boxes and/or tin cans
Gross oil output
Less pressing charges at
Quantity of oil received
by owner/picker
Less share of tenant/pick-
er (if any )
Quantity received by ower
/ non-picker
13,1fotal cost of picking
For olive growers : what are the terms of sharing the crop in your are&®
when the orchard is leased to share-farmers for picking 7?
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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