The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 5)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 5)
This thesis is a collective product. Not only does it embody the
ideas of many people, but it also embraces the direct contributions of
many friends and colleagues and for this reason it carries the meaning it
does for me.
Having Professors James Breeden, Noam Chomsky and Bennett Harrison
as the official readers and advising committee made the production of
this thesis an especially enriching experience. Their involved reading
was most inspiring to me. I learned a great deal from their criticism
and suggestions. Each from a distinctly different background made such
a complementary contribution to the development of this study. For all
the precious efforts and thoughts they put into this work, I wish to ex-
press my warmest thanks and appreciation. I am grateful to Professor
Chomsky for making the information at his disposal so generously avail-
able to me and for referring me to sources of information which became
central to my analysis.
Sandy Congleton made the great transformation from illegible writing
characterized by terrible spelling and often hanging and endless sentences
to this readable manuscript. I appreciate her commitment and value the
friendship that emerged from this long struggle.
Jeff Coulter read major parts of this thesis. I am grateful to his
critical comments and was inspired by his help and encouragement.
Discussions with Jomo Sundaram and Vicente Navarro were very helpful
in clarifying theoretical aspects of this study.
Also invaluable to me in this respect was the experience of teaching
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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