The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 6)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 6)
the course on Planning in Socialist Countries with Professors Karen
Polenske and Tunney Lee at the MIT Urban Studies and Planning Department.
I especially benefited from the members of the study group I led in that
class. To them, all my deep appreciation. I wish to express warm thanks
to Professor Aaron Fleisher for his efforts and support.
The various forms of help that I got from Vu Thien Dinh, Guliz
Pamukoglu, Alfonso Govela, Adriana Staedeker, and many other friends,
was invaluable for the culmination of this thesis.
I am very thankful to all those who read my initial thesis prospec-
tus and commented on it. It is at that stage that suggestions and criti-
cisms were most crucial. Rosemary Taylor's were most guiding in trans-
forming the directions of the study into what this thesis came to be.
My thanks also to Professor Michael Bruno for an illuminating dis-
cussion and helpful suggestions and information in the early stage of this
The immense support I have got from my colleagues in the World Agri-
cultural Research Project at Harvard Public Health School, where I am
presently a Research Fellow, is profoundly appreciated. I wish to extend
my warmest thanks to them all, especially Dick Franke, Barbara Chasin,
for reading and commenting on parts of the thesis, and to Steve Lewontin
who, in addition to that, undertook the adventure of correcting my Eng-
In advance, I thank the readers and wish to express my gratitude
to those who will be kind enough to send me comments and criticisms.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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