The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 26)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 26)
- المحتوى
categories, The concept "social class" corresponds to real social for-
ces with distinct interests and thus historical missions, Classes emerge
as social forces in the class struggle inherent in the social organiza-
tion of production, Social classes exist only in class struggle and it
is class struggle that makes history. It matters, therefore, a great
deal how classes are conceptualized and what social positions are placed
within the boundaries of a particular class.
Answering the question posed as such, social classes are groupings
of social agents defined principally but not exclusively by their place
in the production process, which embraces the labor process, the produc-
tive forces and the relations of production. Social class is defined by
its place in the social division of labor as a whole. This includes
political and ideological relations. Class locations are thus structur-
ally determined by the objective place in the social division of labor;
and class interest is defined by the class determination which fixes the
horizon of the class' struggle.!
The question of who belongs to which class involves identifying cri-
teria defining the boundaries of social classes, The more division of
labor there is, the more vague and controversial these boundaries becomes?
The controversy gets especially heated when the proletariat class loca-
tions are concerned, Some argue that although not all proletarians are
wage-workers, all wage-workers are proletarians.!° This position derives
from the view that it is essentially the separation from the means of pro-
duction that defines the proletariat,
Others argue that virtually all wage-laborers should be considered
members of the working class,+’ Underlying this position is the premise - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 59959 (1 views)