The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 52)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 52)
V. Organization of the Study
Chapter II:
Introduces the reader to the rise of Labor-Zionism in the context of
Settler-colonialism in general, in response to the development of capitalism.
We examine the socialist Zionist theory as conceptualized by Ber Borochov,
exposing the bourgeois objective of its "proletarian" face and identifying
the instrumentality of labor in furthering the aspirations of a faction of
the Jewish petty bourgeoisie to become, itself, a national bourgeoisie.
The point of this chapter is to demonstrate that Borochovist socialist Zion-
ism is essentially a theoretical model for the formation of Jewish class, not
classless, society in Palestine. Specifically, Jewish class struggle, which
theoretically provides for the Jewish definition of the State and for its
emergence as an organic manifestation of this class struggle.
The essence of this chapter is, therefore, to outline the ideological
and political peculiarity of the context in which Palestinian proletarianiza-
tion, the subject of this study, is occurring.
Chapter III;
As the first chapter sheds light on Labor-Zionism in theory, this chap-
ter sheds light on Labor-Zionism in practice, providing an historical over-
view of three phases of Palestinian proletarianization since the beginning
of Jewish colonial settlement in Palestine.
In the first and second phases, Palestinian proletarianization is im-
peded mainly by ideological and political mechanisms, respectively. In
phase three, Palestinian proletarianization unfolds, subject to uneven de-
velopment, defying previous ideological and political considerations,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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