The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 59)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 59)
G. Arrighi, "The Relationship between the Colonial and the Class
Structures: A Critique of A,G, Frank's Theory of the Development
of Underdevelopment" (U.N, African Institute for Economic Develop-
ment and Planning, Dakar, Senegal: Mimeograph, 1971). Quoted by
Sundaram, op.cit., p. 365,
In neo-classical economic theory the rising tendency of the organic
composition of capital is referred to as increase in the ratio of
constant to variable capital, C , This is further elaborated in the
following chapter. Vv
Concentration, centralization, and internationalization of capital
as manifestation of the essential uneveness of capitalist develop-
ment are treated in Chapter VII and thesis conclusions,
Other postulates of Zionism are known as spiritual or religious Zion-
ism, represented in Chaim N. Bialik poetry and in Achad Ha'‘am,
"Shalosh Matanot" story, etc, It is interesting that only this part
of Zionism was included in the curriculum of Arab schooling in Is-
rael. Probably the explicitly political postulates of Zionism were
avoided by the Israeli Ministry of Education and/or the Minorities
Department of the Ministry of Interior, in order not to raise the
question of teaching modern Palestinian history, which was absolute-
ly prohibited, hoping that the 'Israeli-Arabs" would soon forget and
become "good" citizens,
Other postulates of Zionism are referred to as bourgeois Zionism
(Herzl) to distinguish them from Labor-Zionism. For a reference
on the various postulates, see for an example, Arthur Hertzberg,
ed,, The Zionist Idea: A Historical Analysis and Reader, Atheneum,
New York, 1971.
The concept of "hegemony" was introduced by Gramsci to account for
the political practices of dominant classes in developed capitalist
formations. The field of this concept is the political class strug-
gle in a capitalist formation. Thus, in locating the relation of
the capitalist state to the politically dominant classes, we can say
that it is a state with a hegemonic class leadership (direzione),.
The concept of hegemony can be applied to one class or to a fraction
of a class within the power bloc; this hegemonic class or fraction
is, in fact, the dominant element of the contradictory unity of the
politically "dominant" classes or fractions forming the power bloc.
When Marx speaks of the “exclusively dominant" fraction, while at
the same time admitting the political domination of several frac-
tions, he precisely attempts to isolate within the power bloc the
hegemonic fraction.
As it applies to the political practices of the dominant classes,
the concept of hegemony further indicates how, in their relations to
the capitalist state, the political interests of these classes are
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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