The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 64)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 64)
conditions under which Zionism becomes a mobilizing material force capable
of creating new material conditions, the transplantation of Israel in Pales-
We argue, however, that only one postulate of Zionism that proved to
become a mobilizing material force, namely Labor-Zionism, became so only in
the Borochovist formulation, (Recall from the previous chapter our metho-
dological rationale for selecting Borochovism out of all other postulates.
of Zionism. )
It is our purpose in this chapter to identify the reasons that made
Borochovism a mobilizing material force: the material conditions from which
it rose, the materialist approach it embodied and the material conditions
it was formulated to create, In this kind of analysis we intend to illus-
trate and highlight the interaction between objective forces (material con-
ditions) and subjective forces (theory, ideology) in the development of
Borochovism and, accordingly, Israel.
Before entering the analysis of Borochovism itself, let us make a few
(a) That Zionism in all its postulates is essentially political.
The distinction between spiritual/religious Zionism versus political Zion-
ism is a false distinction. From its inception, the Zionist idea was the
idea of a Jewish State. This point is best documented by Maxime Rodinson,
Israel: A Colonial Settler State? The distinction between political and
religious Zionism is a tactical and pragmatic one, regarding what appeals
more to the Jewish masses who were to be mobilized for actualizing the
(b) That Zionism in all its postulates is essentially bourgeois con-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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