The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 65)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 65)
sciousness; the idea of a bourgeois Jewish State. In this sense, the
distinction between bourgeois Zionism and Labor, socialist or proletarian
Zionism is false also. The difference between the socialist/proletarian
Zionism and other formulas is a strategic one, concerning the implementa-
tion strategy by which the Zionist idea - bourgeois Jewish State - can be
We also try to demonstrate that the distinction between left-wing and
right-wing Labor-Zionism is irrelevant in the sense that Borochovism, the
extreme left of Labor-Zionism, is objectively bourgeois.
(c) We argue further that the only development strategy for the im-
plementation of the Zionist idea was Borochovism. There were proposals re-
garding the territory in which the Jewish State was to be established
(Herzl) but none other than Borochov provided a theory of action, a develop-
ment strategy based on a systematic understanding of the material prerequi-
sities for the existence of a State which is essentially bourgeois and Jew-
(d) That the Borochovist strategy was bourgeois in character, it can
lead only to development on capitalist lines. This can be so independently
of its architect's intention and for that matter of his class origin and
position subject to class struggle, not to metaphysical determinants.
Further, it can be so independently of the paradigm to which it ex-
plicitly adheres. Also, independently of the terminology and methodology
incorporated in its formulation. It can also be bourgeois independently
of the fact that it had a petty bourgeois appearance and thus appealed to
and mobilized the petty bourgeoisie, not the bourgeoisie. By the latter,
we mean that the Jewish petty bourgeoisie had falsely adopted Zionism and
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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