The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 68)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 68)
II. Settler Colonialism and the Uneven Development of Capitalism
In the classical and recent Marxist theoretical writings on the de-
velopment of capitalism and modern colonial policy there is very little ex-
plicit reference to settler colonialism. These writings focus mainly on
two other capitalist forms of foreign domination, specifically, colonialism
toa 1
and neo-colonialism.
In Lenin's Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, one finds only
indirect hints to the settler colonial phenomenon as peculiar to a transi-
tional phase in the development of capitalism.” It is probably owing to
its transitionality that this phenomenon is given very little attention in
the Marxist theoretical literature. These indirect hints, however, provide
sufficient guidance for constructing a theory of settler colonialism.
As in the cases of modern colonial and neo-colonial policy, the histori-
cal material origins of settler colonialism lie in contradictions generated
by the internal laws of capitalist accumulation. Put differently, is to
say that the denominator of all three forms of modern colonialism mentioned
above is the essentially uneven development of capitalism; this is by no
means to say that colonialism is a phenomenon peculiar to the capitalist
mode of production. As Lenin puts it in 1919:
"Colonial policy and imperialism existed before this latest
stage of capitalism and even before capitalism. Rome, founded
on slavery, pursued a colonial policy and achieved imperialism...
Even the colonial policy of capitalism in previous stages is
essentially different from the colonial policy of finance
capital." 3
This is to emphasize the specificity, not only of capitalist colonial-
ism, but also of the colonial form peculiar to each stage in the develop-
ment of capitalism. Both the colonial phenomenon as well as the stages
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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