The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 71)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 71)
Stituting what he calls the Theory of the Law, said to explain the intrin-
Sically uneven development of capitalism.
This Theory of Law can be summed up in the following:
The value of any commodity produced under capitalist conditions can
be broken down into three component parts: constant capital (C), variable
capital (V), and surplus value (S).
C+V+S = Total Value
From this basic formula, three ratios are derived:
First, the rate of surplus value defined as the ratio of surplus
value to variable capital and is denoted by S':
= S' = Rate of Surplus Value
The rate of surplus value is the capitalist form of what Marx calls the
rate of exploitation, that is to say, the ratio of surplus labor to neces-
sary labor.
Second, a measure of the relation of constant to variable capital in
the total capital used in production. Marx calls this relation the organic
composition of capital. This relation can be indicated most conveniently
by the ratio of constant capital to total capital (Q):
—— = Q = Organic Composition of Capital
Third, the rate of profit defined as the ratio of surplus value to
total capital outlay (P):
—— = P = Rate of Profit
For the capitalist, the crucial ratio is the rate of profit. In
mathematical language, the rate of profit is a function of the rate of
surplus value and the organic composition of capital. Remembering the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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