The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 73)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 73)
lation does not occur. Also, of competitive struggle among capitalists
which in turn increases the socialization of production that culminates in
the multi-national firm and an international division of labor. Stimulated
by these two simultaneous tendencies, this competitive struggle leads to
capital combination, hence the displacement of small capitalists. It is
less the Law, per se, and more the "counteracting causes" that reduce it
into mere tendency that concerns our analysis.
Marx points out the cheapening of elements of constant capital, inten-
sity of exploitation, depression of wages below their value, relative over-
population, and foreign trade. Lenin emphasizes the export of capital and
the formation of monopoly; others emphasize state intervention and trade
unions, etc. Knowing how these actually operate exposes not only the es-
sence of modern colonial policy in its three various forms, but also the
periodization, or stage development, of capitalism.
Two of these counteracting causes, i.e., monopoly formation and the
growth of relative overpopulation are of special significance for explain-
ing specifically the rise of settler colonialism.
B. The Transition from Competitive Capitalism to the Imperialist Stage
This transitional phase, lasting from the end of the 19th century up
to the inner-war period, is, according to Lenin, characterized by "unstable
equilibrium between competitive capitalism and monopoly capitalism." One
of the prominent features in the passage between these two stages in the
development of capitalism is the displacement of the small capitalist and
the petty bourgeoisie from their previously strategic positions in the
social division of labor, resulting in the growth of "relative overpopula-
tion." This growth of "surplus" population (superfluous to the newly domi-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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