The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 75)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 75)
goes counter to the prevalent view of white settlers’ secession as the re-
sult of antagonistic struggle between the settlers and their mother metro-
politan countries. In his article, "White Settler Colonialism and the
Myth of Investment Imperialism," Arghiri Emmanuel provides an example of
this view. Emmanuel emphasizes "the antagonism between the white settlers
and imperialism" as an alternative to the Marxist theories of modern colo-
nial policy. He points out the latter's "failure to recognize a third fac-
tor that intervenes between imperialists and colonies, the colonialists
themselves," implying the emerging of the settlers' colonialism indepen-
dently of monopoly formation, and counter to the interests of imperialism.
He therefore asserts, "whatever the motivating forces behind this adventure,
the advanced capitalist world did not receive any supplementary benefit
from the direct administration of these new territories." Emmanuel attri-
butes settler colonial secession to the mere aspirations of the settlers:
"This motive force proper to colonialism is none other than the colonials
themselves." Otherwise, "why was imperialism so bitterly opposed to the
white settlers' secession?" he asks. Providing a concrete example, he
writes: "Israel is a secessionist colonial state. Its foundation was the
object of a long and bloody struggle with England."
Not only does Emmanuel miss the point in emphasizing the secession
of the settlers over and above the colonial settlement itself, but he also
presents an argument which is historically inaccurate, as will be seen
later. He errs in taking the settler community as the starting point of
his analysis, trying to relate it to financial imperialism versus imperial-
ism of trade.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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