The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 77)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 77)
This claim, however, is very instrumental, given that colonial set-
tlers' secession took place precisely during the period of decolonization
through a genuinely progressive struggle for national independence in the
colonies. Entertaining the notion of a "bloody struggle" with the mother
country is, thus, a mere manipulation of the sentiments of the time, to
give a progressive flavor of the hour to colonial settlers' secession; hence,
the mobilization of sympathy and recognition.
Emmanuel correctly de~emphasizes the direct economic benefits that im-
perialist capitalism was to gain from settler colonialism, and rightly em-
phasizes the trade element to supercede the financial capital market objec-
tive in the case of settler colonial policy following decolonization. He
errs, however, in viewing settler colonialism as detrimental to the objec-
tives of monopoly capitalism: "On the economic plane, the settler community
constituted a dead weight--if not a parasitic and harmful element..."
The servitude of imperialist capitalism is not restricted to directly
economic and immediate gains as the extraction of raw material and high sur-
plus value prevalent in the earlier capitalist colonialism.
In what ways does settler colonialism serve the objectives of monopoly
capitalism? And why does the metropolitan bourgeoisie actually sponsor the
takeover of new lands although they are directly unprofitable enterprises?
Paul Sweezy (speaking of British settler colonialism in Africa) eloquently
"Though English capitalists may have little to gain through
annexation by their own country, they may have much to lose
through annexation by [others],...As soon as rivals appear on
the scene, each country must make every effort to protect its
position against the incursions of others. The result may be
a net loss....What is important is not the loss or gain com-
pared to the pre-existent situation, but rather the loss or
gain compared to the situation which would have prevailed had
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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