The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 80)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 80)
transmitted into the labor moyement itself by its right-wing leaders, justly
called "social imperialists", "socialists in words and imperialists in
In his book, The Territorial Development of the European Colonies, A.
Supan states
",..that the colonial policy of the capitalist countries
has completed the seizure of the unoccupied territories
on our planet. For the first time, the world is completely
divided up, so that in the future only redivision is pos-
sible; territories can only pass from one "owner" to
another, instead of passing as unowned territory to an
"owner", 22
Supan's analysis applies perfectly to the handing of Palestine by the
British colonial powers to the Zionist colonial settlers. It applies most
accurately, despite the systematic effort by leaders of the Zionist movement
to distort this fact, popularizing the slogan: "Palestine, a land without
people, for the Jews, a people without land."'73
Integrating and complementing the above, our theory
views settler colonialism as the historical byproduct of the uneven develop-
ment of capitalism in the passage from the competitive stage to the stage of
monopoly capital; an expression of transitionally coinciding aspirations of
the petty bourgeoisie and the big bourgeoisie. The coincidence of these as-
pirations abroad viewed precisely as the result of their essentially antago-
nisitic class interests at home, in the beginning of capital combination
within metropolitan boundaries.
It is the petty bourgeoisie's struggle against extinction in the face
of monopoly formation, and the monopolies' vested interest in political sta-
bility at home, plus their competitive struggle abroad for control of stra-
tegic routes to international undertakings, goods/capital markets, and spheres
of influence in the pursuit of capitalism's extended reproduction, that under-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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