The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 82)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 82)
lation. "Concentration of production in ever-larger enterprises,"
says Lenin, "represents one of the most characteristic features of
capitalism....Concentration of production, however, is much more
intense than the concentration of workers, since labour in the
large enterprises is much more productive."7°
The latter point is very important for understanding the underlying
causes of displacement and growth of "relative" overpopulation in
the transition from competition to monopoly.
(2) Centralization of capital refers to the combining of capital al-
ready in existence. This process differs from the former in that
it only presupposes a change in the distribution of capital already
at hand and functioning; its conglomeration in fewer and fewer hands,
following the law of the sea, "the big fish eating the little." As
Marx puts it, "Capital grows in one place to a huge mass in a single
hand because it has in another place been lost by many . "77 This is
centralization proper, as distinct from accumulation and concentra-
Some contemporary economists distinguish between these two processes as
"capital-widening" and "capital-deepening".-° Classical writers refer to both
processes of monopoly formation as "capital-combination".*?
"Combined production," defines Lenin, is "the grouping in a single enter-
prise of different branches of industry, which either represent the consecu-
tive stages in the working up of raw materials...or are auxiliary to one ano-
According to Lenin, the increase of concentration of production and of
capital to the extent that it leads to monopoly, the merging or coalescence of
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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