The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 84)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 84)
The emergence of monopoly was further facilitated by changes in the
structure of ownership associated with the joint stock company and the finan-
cing of industry through the stock exchange and the credit system. The ac-
tual rate and character of the transition to the new type of capitalism
varied in the different countries. In Germany, the pace and extent of combi-
nation and cartelization were especially remarkable. In Britain, as Lenin
admitted, monopoly tendencies were slower in showing themselves, partly owing
to the fact that the priority of British industrial development meant that
competitive structures and habits were deeply rooted, while in later develop-
ing Germany, large-scale industry grew up in close association with monopolis-
tic practices. Nevertheless, if the development was slower in Britain, it was
by no means absent. In fact, there were no exceptions. Throughout the conti-
nent, including Russia, as well as in the rapidly growing economy of the
United States, there was a great increase in the number of cartels, combina-
tions and trusts towards the end of the nineteenth century. Free competition
was driven from one field to another. Despite the continued existence of
"free'' competition in many sectors, it had lost, and lost irrevocably, the
virtually undisputed sway which it had once exercised."
' says Lenin, "it
"When monopoly appears in some branches of industry,'
increases and intensifies the stage of chaos inherent in capitalist production
as a whole...">> "Capitalism arrives at the threshold of the widest sociali-
zation of production....The process of technical invention and improvement,
in particular, is becoming socialised."?° This leads us into the importance
of the bourgeois nation-state intervention on behalf of the bourgeoisie,
hence the rise of nationalism as bourgeois ideology and the counteracting
utopian ideologies in the pursuit of restoring the old-style capitalism based
on the small producer and owner-entrepreneur. The latter was strongly criti-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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