The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 85)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 85)
cized by Lenin, not only as utopian, but also as it ran directly contrary to
the "socializing" tendencies of modern monopoly capitalism and was conse-
quently "reactionary".
",...The immense progress of humanity, which achieved
In his own words,
this socialization, goes to benefit the speculators....On these grounds, re-
actionary petty bourgeois critics of capitalist imperialism dream of going
back to "free", "peaceful", and "honest" competition.">/
Changes in the banking system, "the transformation of numerous modest
intermediaries into a handful of monopolists, represents one of the funda-
mental processes in the transformation of capitalism into capitalist imperial-
ism"? In Germany, in particular, emphasizes Kemp, on the basis of Lenin's
analysis, the big banks promoted industrial enterprises and their nominees
occupied supervisory or controlling positions in many firms. By concentra-
ting in their hands the bulk of money capital of capitalists, farmers, small
businessmen and others, the banks inevitably tended to become no longer the
servants of industry but its masters. In Germany, the banks carried out
functions which had formerly been performed by the stock exchange by dealing
directly in company shares. The era of “finance capital" had begun, in which
control lies increasingly with men whose special powers derive from specifi-
cally financial control and manipulation--particularly control of money capi-
tal placed at their disposal by rentier shareholders. The rise of finance
capital to do away with the role of money capital sheds light on the dis-
placement of the petty bourgeois money lenders from their positions in the
social division of labor, with the emergence of monopolies
The latter threatening with equal ruthlessness the small
capitalists. Monopoly formation, therefore, represents not only struggle
within the bourgeoisie in the process of their class fractionalization (into
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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