The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 87)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 87)
Labor-Zionism constitutes the "theory-of-action" for Jewish settlement in
Palestine. >”
We argue that Labor-Zionism does neither in theory nor in practice con-
stitute a proletarian socialist alternative. It is sufficient to examine
Labor-Zionism in the context of settler colonialism elsewhere in order for
its proletarian mythology to be exposed.
In his Marxist interpretation of the Jewish question, Abram Leon does
argue and document the petty bourgeois character
of Zionism in general. /° We go one step further to emphasize that Labor-
Zionism, in particular, represents the ideological sub-ensemble of the Jewish
petty bourgeoisie threatened with extinction in the transition of capitalism
from its competitive stage to the stage of monopoly. This essentially petty
bourgeois ideology does, at least transitionally, coincide with the objec-
tives of the combining Jewish and non-Jewish big capital in metropolitan
countries. The primary objective of which is the essential internationali-
zation of capital.
Once we demonstrate the Labor-Zionist-based Jewish settlement in Pales-
tine as a petty bourgeois alternative, we focus on the characteristics
that distinguish it from other settler colonial cases. For that matter, we
in fact reinforce the popular argument whcih attributes the peculiarity of
Zionist settler colonialism to its labor ideology.
Contrary to this argument, however, we maintain that settler colonial-
ism in Palestine, distinguished by its labor ideology, differs from other
settler colonial forms (Rhodesia, South Africa, etc.) not in its socialist,
compared with the other's capitalist, orientation; the real difference lies
rather in the unsecularity of the Zionist settler colonial project (its
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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