The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 89)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 89)
(a) How Borochov defines the Jewish question and what he proposes for a solu-
tion; (b) the class interest to which the Borochovist solution corresponds;
(c) the instrumentality of labor in socialist-Zionism.
A. The Borochovist Conception of the Jewish Question (1900)
According to Borochov:
"Jewish production was characterized by the predominance of
the element of human labor over the element of nature, and
of mental over physical labor. It was basically invested in
the production of variable not constant capital (i.e., in
consumer goods). Historically, the greatest concentration
of traditional occupations of the Jews is in the category of
final level of production (needle-trade, baking, printing),
and secondly, in the tertiary-middle level of production
(chemical, leather, paper industries), but rarely in primary
level of production and in basic industry....The prevailing
law in Jewish economics is that the concentration of Jewish
labor in any occupation varies directly with the remoteness
of that occupation from nature." 42
On the basis of the above characterization of the Jewish employment
structure in Diaspora, Borochov concludes that the Jews were "abnormal" peo-
ple, for their class structure resembled an "inverted pyramid"? marked by
two anomalies: the absence of a working class and the absence of a territory
of their own. The solution is, therefore, building a Jewish working class
on a Jewish land, Palestine.
Central to his analysis of the Jewish question are the problems of
"displacement" and "proletariatizing masses", concomitant with disintegrating
feudalism in East Europe and decaying competitive capitalism in the West.
It becomes more evident throughout his analysis that his basic concern lies
more in the displacement of Jewish masses from their traditional petty bour-
geois positions threatened by proletarianization, and less in the displace-
ment of Jewish proletariat by more competitive labor or owing to anti-semi-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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