The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 90)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 90)
Most characteristic of the Borochovistic socialism is establishing the
peculiarity of the position of the Jewish proletariat and the proletarizing
masses in
the face of capitalist displacement effects. In this regard, he
sees Jewish masses more vulnerable than others, as they suffer also from iso-
lation resulting from their ex-territorialization. Their displacement, there-
fore, is likely to continue with the further development of capitalism, reach-
ing even more acute measures.
In the final analysis, Borochov explains the displacement of Jewish
masses under capitalism as one emerging from the interaction between the
"conditions of production" and the "forces of production", thus formulating
in these terms his theory of national conflict, said to derive from a mater-
ialist conception of history. And it is in these terms that he defines the
Jewish question as a national not a social one, arguing:
"The character of the relations of production depends on
state of the forces of production and their development
is primarily dependent on the natural conditions which man
must face in his struggle for existence of the above-men-
tioned conditions of production, the natural non-social
factors predominated firstly." 44
Considering his theory of the national question as a parallel to Marx's theory
of the social question, Borochov argues:
the class struggle assumes the character of a social
problem wherever the development of the forces of produc-
tion disturbs the constitution of the relations of produc-
tion...the same is true of the national struggle...the
national problem therefore arises when the development of
forces of production of a nationality conflicts with
state of conditions of production...the most vital of
material conditions of production is the territory.
territory is furthermore the foundation on which rise
other conditions of production." 45
He goes one step further to assert that, owing to this national con-
flict resulting from the "abnormal conditions of production" the Jews in the
Diaspora cannot take part in class struggle as their continuous displacement
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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