The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 91)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 91)
makes impossible their proletarianization and as their national consciousness
obscures class consciousness. His "doctrine" of nationalism and class strug-
gle reaches its culmination in identifying a kind of antagonism between the
class consciousness and the national consciousness of a given group, asserting:
",..under normal conditions of production the class antagonisms become more
acute, whereas under abnormal conditions of production, they abate somewhat."
Given the Jews' abnormal conditions of production,
',..the capitalist system [Borochov continues] engendered
the national question not merely for the bourgeoisie alone,
but also for all other classes of society, since each class
in one way or another was affected by this international
competition. Fundamentally, the territory is of value to
them all as the base of the conditions of production...The
proletariat and the proletarizing masses have no direct in-
fluence on international politics. The only means of ex-
panding the work-sphere is the peaceful emigration to foreign
lands....The proletarizing masses...are interested even more
than the proletariat in retaining the integrity of their
national work-place....The abnormal conditions of production
tend to harmonize the interests of all members of a nation...
but they also hinder the development of the relations of
production and the class struggle, because the normal develop-
ment of the mode of production is hampered." 46
In concluding the Borochovist conception of the Jewish question, we
must pause here to identify his mistake and illustrate the deficiencies
of his putative historical-materialist perspective.
All existing critics of Borochovism focus by-and-large on the incongru-
ities between his Marxist theory and the way in which it was practised. We
argue that nothing is Marxist about Borochov's formulation of the Jewish
question except for the terminology.
In his own words, quoted above, Borochov makes explicit that the Jewish
displacement problem, as well as the malformed socio-economic structure, are
predetermined by factors and not social forces and even by natural, non-
social factors," that is, remoteness from nature. This remoteness predomi-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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