The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 92)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 92)
nates firstly, deforming the conditions of production, hence the resulting
incompatability with the state of the production forces.
All these factors operate, in Borochov's conception, independently from
the relations of production; the latter has relevance only to the class con-
flict, which is in turn obscured by the absence of territory.
Although Borochov's characterization of the Jewish socio-economic struc-
ture and the peculiar effects of capitalist development on the Jewish masses
are accurate indeed, his analysis of these characteristics is the inverse
of historical materialism. The "conditions of production" concept that Boro-
chov claims to invent is a distored version of the Marxist concept of "condi-
tions of material life of society", i.e., the social being from which men's
consciousness arises. Although initially influenced by natural environment,.
these conditions are explicitly viewed in historical and dialectical material-
ism to be determined by the method of procuring the material means of subsis-
tence that is the mode of production of material values indispensible for the
existence and reproduction of society. The mode of production corresponds to
a state of social productive forces at the disposal of society and the rela-
tions of production in a given historical conjuncture. This is to say, social
productive forces are not a function of these conditions but their very de-
terminants.*’ He employs not the materialist conception of history but,
rather, the theory of factors "which dismembers the activity of social man
and pictures its various aspects and manifestations as distinct forces that
supposedly determine the historical movement of society."° Borochov com-
mits a profound mistake in claiming that his conception of the Jewish ques-
tion derives from historical materialism while reducing the materialist con-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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