The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 94)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 94)
turing and industrial capitalism and finally under imperialisn,
the author succeeds in unravelling the various Jewish modes
of existence corresponding to those stages in social history
...-He leads us through the intricate maze of the Jewish saga,
describing the growth of modern anti-semitism generated by
the incapacity of crisis-ridden capitalism to integrate the
Jewish masses from Eastern Europe who had been evicted from
their traditional occupations by the disintegration of feudal
economy." 49
Unlike Leon, Borochov provides us with rationalizations for his territor-
falist solution, but not with an explanation of the Jewish question.
As stated in the Communist Manifesto, it is the essence of the
Marxist materialist conception of history that "the history of all hither-
to existing society is the history of class struggle." Denying this
social force in explaining the displacement of the Jewish masses under
capitalism, or at best, reducing it to economic manifestation, is in-
deed a fundamental distortion of historical materialism, despite his
consistent adherence to this paradigm. Moreover, in relation to the
displacement problem, Borochov loudly points out "excess energy" as
the "tragedy of the Jewish people" under capitalism. He does not ex~
plain this phenomenon but, again, uses it to justify the need for
transferring the excess energy (surplus population) to new lands; a
notion that forces us to recall Cecil Rhodes' rationale for settler-
colonialism, expressed earlier in this chapter. He simply raises
anti-capitalist slogans for furthering capitalist causes.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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