The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 95)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 95)
A genuine materialist conception of history otherwise explains the ex-
cess energy phenomenon in terms of the state of productive forces at the dis-
posal of society and the nature of the dominant relations of production; reach-
ing an entirely different conclusion regarding a remedy.
Starting with Leon's theory of the People class and the historical ten-
dency of Jewish concentration in petty bourgeois class-locations, specifically
trade professions,°~ ‘then recall Marx provides a partial explanation in his
law of development, which states: "The degree of development of merchants'
capital is inversely proportional to the degree of development in industrial
capital."°> Marx is even more explicitly to the point in his following re-
"Historically, the form of industrial profit arises only
after capital no longer appears alongside the independent
worker...the trading peoples of antiquity, like the gods
of Epicurus in the spaces between the worlds, or rather
like the Jews in the pores of Polish society. Most of the
independent trading peoples or cities attained the magnifi-
cent development of their independence through the carrying
trade [author's emphasis] which rested on the barbarity of
the producing peoples between whom they played the role of
money (the mediators). In the preliminary stages of bour-
geois society, trade dominates industry; in modern society,
the arises only where trade has seized
possession of production itself and where the merchant be-
comes producer, or the producer mere merchant." 54
In these observations from economic history is a powerful explanation of
Jewish displacement and of the "excess-energy tragedy" concomitant with the
very rise of capitalism. In fact, both Marx and Engels had already explicitly
stressed the tendency of this traditional petty bourgeoisie to be undermined
with the establishment of the dominance of the capitalist mode of production
and its reproduction.
In his theory of imperialism, Lenin demonstrates the intensification of
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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