The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 98)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 98)
that proletarian or socialist Zionism by no means correspond to the class
interest of the Jewish proletariat, as it is misinterpreted to do, but rather
to that of the Jewish bourgeoisie and, in effect, the bourgeoisie itself.
Before we develop this argument, it will help to point out the following:
First, that one's class interest is determined by one's class-—location,
that is, by one's objective place in the relations of production and reproduc-—
tion of society's material values. Class interest is to be distinguished
from class position, that is, one's actual political commitment, determined
rather by one's sugjective consciousness. One's actual class position may
not correspond to one's real class interest owing to false ideology. (See
Chapter LII for further discussion on this issue.)
Second, that all ideologies are class ideologies. The ideology of a
particular social group is determined by its place in the class determina-
tion within a particular formation (feudalist, capitalist, or other).
Third, the peculiarities of the class determination and ideological ~
characteristics of the petty bourgeoisie as they are central to the point of
this chapter. In Classes in Contemporary Capitalism, Nicos Poulantzas charac-
terizes the class determination of the petty bourgeoisie as follows:
"In the relations of production, the place of the tradi-
tional petty bourgeoisie includes both small-scale produc-
tion and small-scale ownership. Small-scale production
essentially consists of forms of artisan production, or
small family business, where the same agent is both owner
and possessor of his means of production, as well as the
direct producer. There is here no economic exploitation
properly so-called, in so far as these forms of production
do not employ wage-labour, or at least only do so very oc-
casionally. Labour is chiefly provided by the actual
owner or by the members of his family, who are not remun-
erated in the form of a wage. This small-scale production
draws profit from the sale of its goods and through the
overall redistribution of surplus-value, but it does not
directly extort surplus value. Small-scale ownership
chiefly involves retail trade in the circulation sphere
where the owner of the trading stock, helped by his family,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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