The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 99)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 99)
provides the labour, and again only occasionally employs
"In the commonplace of these two groupings of the traditional
petty bourgeoisie in the relations of production lies the
fact that the direct producer is in each case himself the
owner of the means of labour; i.e., in the combination of
ownership with the absence of direct exploitation of wage-
labour. This petty bourgeoisie does not belong to the capi-
talist mode of production but to the simple commodity from
which was historically the form of transition from the feudal
to the capitalist mode." 57
As far as ideology is concerned, given its place in the class determina-
tion of a capitalist formation, the petty bourgeoisie has, in the long run,
no autonomous class position; no ideology of its own. As the two basic clas-
ses are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, the only real class ideologies
are, therefore, those of these two basic classes, which are in fundamental
political opposition; that is, the only ideological ensembles with a specific
coherence and that are relatively systematic are those of the dominant bour-
geois ideology and the ideology connected to the working class.>°
As far as the petty bourgeoisie is concerned, we simply speak merely of
what Poulantzas refers to as a petty bourgeois ideological "sub-ensemble"
formed by the effects of the (dominant) bourgeois ideology on the specific
aspirations of the petty-bourgeois agents that are the function of their spe-
cific class determination. In Poulantzas' words:
"The petty bourgeois sub-ensemble is, in other words, a
terrain of struggle and a particular battlefield between
bourgeois ideology and working class ideology, though with
the specific intervention of peculiarly petty bourgeois
elements. This terrain is in no way a vacant site, but is
encircled right from the start by bourgeois ideology and by
petty bourgeois ideological elements." 59
These characterizations of the petty bourgeois ideological sub-ensemble
and its formation leave very little doubt in our minds as regards the petty
bourgeois character of Borochovism, as it simultaneously adheres, both to
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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