The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 110)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 110)
according to Poulantzas, emphasizes the formulation of the State as "the
organization of maintaining both the conditions of production and the condi-
tions for the existence and functioning both of the unity of a mode of pro-
duction and of a formation."°4 Poulantzas, here, is not different from Buk-
harin who, in his Theory of Historical Materialism formulates the conception
of a social formation as "a system of unstable equilibrium inside which the
State plays the role of regulator.”
The global function of the State as the cohesive factor in a formation's
unity (common to the various Marxist conceptions of the State quoted above)
takes on different forms depending on the mode of production and social for-
mation under consideration.
According to Poulantzas,
"This function of the State, becoming a specific function,
specifies the State as such in the formations dominated by the
CMP [Capitalist Mode of Production] characterized by the speci-
fic autonomy of instances [the political, economic, and ideolo-
gical] and by the particular place which is then allotted to
the region of the State. This characteristic autonomy is the
basis of the specificity of the political: it determines the
particular function of the State as the cohesive factor of the
levels which have gained autonomy." 83
It is to be emphasized that despite this relative autonomy, the State
continues to be a relation and does not become a thing in itself. In fact,
the function of the State as the cohesive factor in a formation's unity, which
makes it the place in which the contradictions of the instances are condensed,
becomes still clearer when we consider that an historically determined social
formation is characterized by an overlapping of several modes of production,
specifically during a period of transition from the dominance of one mode to
the dominance of another. We are then in the presence of "a true relation of
forces" between the various modes of production present and the permanent
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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