The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 112)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 112)
Lenin demonstrates that the double power characteristic of State struc-
tures (as a factor of cohesion in formation's unity and as the place in which
the ruptural situation of this unity, or in which contradictions of instances
are condensed) constitutes one of the essential elements of the revolutionary
Situation. That is why he considers the basic problem of every revolution to
be that of State power. In this case, the objective of political practice is
the State as a factor maintaining the cohesion of the unity of the formation.
Political practice produces transformations, the objective of which is the
State as the nodal structure in which this unity breaks, in so far as it is
a cohesive factor. It is in this sense that the State can be viewed as a fac-
tor for producing new unity and new relations of production; that is, a new
historical phase.
It is only through dialectical materialism that the State can be compre-
hended this way: simultaneously, a factor of cohesion of-a formation's unity
and the place in which the contradictions of the various levels of a formation
are condensed; and therefore, the place in which we can break the unity and
articulation of a formation's structures.
As Poulantzas precisely puts it:
"It is from this relation between the State as a cohesive factor
of a formation's unity and the State as the place in which the
various contradictions of the instances are condensed, that we
can decipher the problem of the relation between politics and
history. This relation designates the structure of the politi-
cal both as the specific level [instance] of a formation and as
the place in which its transformations occur: it. designates the
political struggle as 'motive power of history' having as its
objective the State, the place in which contradictions of in-
stances...are condensed." 85
Inside the structure of several levels dislocated by uneven
development, the State has the particular function of constituting the factor
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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