The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 209)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 209)
setup that embodied the principles of inalienability originating in the
Constitution of the JNF. A JNF report on its land acquisition and tenure
provides an example of the above; it states:
"In 1960, laws passed by the Knesset extended the Keren Kayemeth
principles of inalienability of the soil and its use in terms of
heredity leaseholdship to all public holdings in Israel, i.e.,
to 92% of the State's surface prior to June, 1967. Simultaneous-
ly, an agreement between the Israel Government and the Keren Kaye-
emeth created the Israel Land Authority to deal with the adminis-—
tration of all public lands, i.e., both State and Fund holdings,
and named the Keren Kayemeth as the Israel Land Development Author-
ity responsible for soil conservation, reclamation, afforestation,
etc., everywhere in Israel." 110
This refers to Israel Lands Administration Law. In the same year, the
Knesset, according to another JNF report:
"...enacted the Basic Law: Israel Lands which gives legal effect
to the ancient tradition of ownership of the land in perpetuity
by the Jewish people - the principle on which Keren Kayemeth
Leisrael was founded. The same law extended that principle to
the bulk of Israel's State domains." 111
It is in this sense that the "conquest of land" methods established
and practiced in the Yishuv were not replaced but rather complemented by
State policy. The new institutional arrangements and status were not to
transform earlier principles of Zionist land acquisition; the latter re-
mained in force.
The JNF is now a "public institution recognized by the government of
Israel and the World Zionist Organization as the exclusive instrument for
the development of Israel Lands. "+14
Together, the three citations above imply, in effect, 92 percent of
the land (within the pre-1967 borders of Israel) was transferred to exclu-
sively Jewish legal ownership and use. Indirectly, this means that it is
illegal for a Palestinian (even citizen of Israel) to have access to this
land --— neither to own it nor to use it. The employment of Arab labor on
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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