The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 292)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 292)
tributes to the higher participation rate of the Arabs. Contrasted with
this, in the older age groups the participation rate declines to a low
level. The rate for old Arab men is low, even when compared with the
rates of highly developed countries, and it is certainly much lower than
the rates in some of the less developed countries of the region. Ben
Porath attributes this to a combination of large family structure and mar-
ket conditions; specifically, the character of the demand for hired labor,
which comes mostly from the Jewish sector.
These reasons are accurate; however, more is needed for a fuller explan-
ation. For example, the special alienation and humiliation the older Pales-
tinian-Arab generation had to face in the job-seeking process, when they
were made overnight into strangers in their own country, not knowing the
language of the imposed foreign regime of the alien employers, let alone
the estrangement consequent upon forceful proletarianization of a generation
who have historically subsisted from self-employment. This is on the supply
side of labor. On the demand side, however, one must also consider the
savings in terms of social security and similar benefits the employer makes
by not hiring older Arabs and the profitability implied in selective hiring
of Arabs in their most productive years. The fact that Arab labor most in
demand falls in the 18-34 age group, when Jewish labor during these most
productive years is absorbed either in non-productive activity (education)
or non-civilian productive and non-productive activity, is indicative of the
substitution effect of, and flexibility provided by, Arab labor in Israel.
In this sense, the use of Arab labor makes it easier to invest in Jewish
human capital and to release Jewish labor power to the military; as a re-
sult, Jewish labor, upon military and/or educational training, becomes more
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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