The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 312)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 312)
- المحتوى
working class in Israel. More importantly, the dependence of this alterna-
tive source of scientific labor force is also politically not viable, as
far as Jewish demographic superiority is concerned. Continuous Jewish im-
migration is imperative for the sovereignty of the Jewish State, especially
under the annexationist program of the Likud. Otherwise, Arabs can soon be-
come an absolute majority and demand a majority rule in accordance with the
laws of the essential bourgeois democracy of Israel.
Efforts have been underway to increase Jewish participation rates in
the civilian labor force. This is particularly true in the case of Jewish
female labor. In light of the troubling decline of Jewish male participa-
tion in the civilian labor force during the last decade (from 75.5 percent
in 1965 to 64.3 percent in 1975), Minister of Labor, Moshe Bar'am, has
stated in the Knesset in March, 1976: "Our women are today a great potential
for our labor force and we are doing our utmost to involve them therein."”+
To facilitate the mobilization of Jewish female labor reserve, the Ministry
of Labor had devoted immense efforts for child day care centers. Today, for
example, accommodations for 27,000 are available, compared with only 12,000
five years ago.” This source is not only insufficient, but also may result
in further decline in the Jewish birth rate, which is again detrimental to
the national objective.
Another approach for increasing the rates of Jewish participation in
the labor force, specifically technically trained labor, has been that of
activating the Emergency Regulations to forcefully mobilize Israeli citizens
residing abroad back into Israel. The increased integration of the civilian
and military labor force in high technology production makes it easier to
use these regulations in times of peace, not only in a military emergency. - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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